Innovation in motion-control - January 2011
Alliance Technologies has developed a special servo motor. This innovation in motion control and drive systems allows two degrees of freedom in a single motor. The servo can be driven in both rotation and translation without conventional stage stacking. In the video a demonstration is given of the motor and its functionality.
Key features of this motor are:
- Small overall package
- Linear and rotary movement
- Removable hollow tubular shaft
- Direct drive (brushless technology)
- Internal encoder
- High resolution (1μm / 0.01°)
Bacteria counter - August 2010
A highly sensitive detector for quantification and determination of light was developed. Ideally suited for low intensity light from fluorescently labeled or luminescent microorganisms. The high sensitivity of the detector is achieved by plotting the signal against time (milliseconds) and the innovative application of a CCD chip instead of a standard photo multiplier tube (PMT).
In the detection module the principles of fluorometry and spectrophotometry are combined with durable and rugged components: Power LEDs instead of mercury arc lamps and the CCD technology opposed to a PMT.
Plasma Polishing - June 2010
Alliance Technologies continually develops and improves on techniques for material processing. By the name ECM-valley various methods are being developed in a partnership. One of the latest innovations is plasma polishing (EPP), in which objects of various materials can be brought to very low surface roughness in a relatively short time.
In the video you can see how a product is treated through plasma polishing. For example products visit the EPP page (on the ECM-valley website), for more information please feel free to contact us.
Sample preparation - May 2010
Laboratory tests usually comprise a number of basic principles:
- Accurate dosing of reagents, buffer solutions and samples
- Maintaining a constant reaction temperature
- Separation of specific elements prior to a next step in protocol
- Concluding the test by performing an analysis (e.g. gravimetric, spectrophotometric or visual)
Alliance Technologies has experience in the automation of such sample preparation. An example of a unit is shown on the right. This autonomous device can: separate bacteria from a liquid via filtration; accurately dose solutions (lysis buffer, wash buffer, dehydrating fluids, enzymes or fluorescently labeled DNA sequences) in µL range; control temperatures up to 95°C.
This system could, based on client specifications, be used for performing PCR (polymerase chain reaction), FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) or ATP (adenosine triphosphate) analyses.
Project Fryslân Fernijt - February 2010
Late 2009 Alliance Technologies acted as a technological partner in a project for the detection of carcinogens in water. The developed prototype allowed for a set of experiments using the new detection method. The first results look promising, in the video you see a researcher elaborate on the project that is supported by 'Fryslân Fernijt'.
The technology developed by the project partners, fulfills the deficiency of the present detection methods completely. On an autonomous working platform several types of bioassays are carried out (e.g. for heavy metals, genotoxic compounds and pharmaceuticals). The combination of these bioassays makes it possible to detect every group of toxic compounds at low detection ranges.
This detection platform makes it possible to detect the concentration of the known and unknown present toxicants. The technology is innovative and unique and can for example be used at intake points for drink water or calamities.